August Newsletter

This month, we’re celebrating the joy of music and the incredible talent of our students and teachers. It’s loaded with music trivia, games, student rising star, teacher spotlight, event happenings, and more!

Student Spotlight: Rising Star - Wander Tran!

This month’s spotlight shines bright on Wander Tran, a dedicated and enthusiastic 5- year-old drummer here at Irvine Academy of Music! Wander’s journey with the drums began a year and nine months ago, fueled by his love for watching drumming in action – movies like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World were a particular inspiration! Since then, he’s been diligently honing his skills under the guidance of Mr. Chasen, also for a year and nine months.

Wander’s current focus in his lessons is conquering the world of sheet music. With dedication and practice, we know he’ll be reading those rhythms like a pro in no time! But Wander’s drumming aspirations extend far beyond the music stand. His ultimate goal is to join a drum line, showcasing his talents on a grander stage.

When Wander isn’t drumming up a storm, you might find him jamming out to the tunes of his favorite band, Lincoln Park.

And according to Wander’s mom, Karun, his experience at Irvine Academy of Music has been nothing short of awesome! “Taking lessons at the academy is awesome experience for Wander!” she says. We at Irvine Academy of Music are incredibly proud of Wander’s progress and enthusiasm. Keep up the fantastic drumming. We can’t wait to see you rock that drum line someday!

🎵 Don't Miss Out, Secure Your Instrument Rental Now!

Rental Season is coming. Don’t miss out, Reserve Your Instrument Today!

Yes, it’s summer break but September and school are soon upon us. Don’t wait – our most popular instruments are renting fast!

But hurry – when they’re gone, they’re gone! This is a fantastic opportunity to secure your rental for the school year.

Prefer brand new? Our gently used rentals have been meticulously inspected, sanitized, and reconditioned by our expert technicians – ensuring they’re in topnotch condition and ready to play. We also offer a wide selection of brand-new instruments for those who desire a fresh start.

Here’s what makes our used rentals a great choice:

Professionally inspected and reconditioned: You can be confident that your instrument is in top playing condition.
Perfect for beginners: A fantastic option to get started without a major investment.


🎵 Unleash Your Inner Rockstar: Summer Camp Awaits!

Ready to turn up the volume on your summer? Our Summer Band Camp is back and it’s bigger, bolder, and more musical than ever! Imagine this: sun-soaked days filled with jamming sessions, masterclasses from top-notch musicians, and more musical fun than you can shake a baton at. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it’s real and it’s happening!

Dates to Remember:
Start Date: Aug 12th End Date: Aug 16th
From 12:00 noon – 4:00pm
Cost $350

That’s five days of non-stop music, learning, and fun! Each day is packed with activities designed to boost your musical skills and unleash your creativity.

Here’s What’s in Store:
🎸 Jamming Sessions: Join your fellow campers for daily practice sessions.
🎤 Masterclasses: Learn from the best with special guest musicians. 🎼 Creative Workshops: Dive into songwriting, improvisation, and more.
🎻 Performance Nights: Showcase your talent in front of an enthusiastic audience.

Ready to rock? Of course, you are! Here’s how to register:

🎷 Shine and Play: Instrument Care Tips

Here at Irvine Academy of Music, we know your saxophone is more than just an instrument – it’s your voice. To keep it sounding its best, regular cleaning is essential. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

Gather your supplies:

  • Saxophone home maintenance kit (available at Irvine Academy of Music)
  • Soft polishing cloth (microfiber works well)
  • Key brush (soft bristles)
  • Cork grease
  • Key oil

Cleaning the body:

1. Remove the mouthpiece and neck.
2. Gently tip the saxophone to remove any moisture. Let it air dry for a few minutes.
3. Run the pull-through swab with the weight attached, slowly and gently, through the body a few times to absorb moisture and debris.
4. Polish the exterior with the soft cloth.

Cleaning the mouthpiece and neck:

1. Detach the reed and ligature.
2. Run the smaller end of the pull-through swab or a damp cloth (not soaking wet) through the mouthpiece and neck to remove moisture and buildup.
3. Use the toothbrush (with a little water) to gently clean the mouthpiece baffle (the flat area where the reed rests).
4. Dry everything thoroughly with a clean cloth before reassembling.

Additional tips:

  • Clean your saxophone after each use to prevent moisture buildup.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners.
  • For a deeper clean, or if you have any sticking keys, consult our repair department.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your saxophone looking and sounding its best for years to come. For more information on saxophone care and maintenance, visit our friends at Irvine Academies of Music repairs.

Happy playing!

🎸🎷Teacher Spotlight: The Unstoppable Mr. Chasen

This month, we turn the spotlight on our multi-instrument talented teacher, Mr. Chasen! Get ready for some shred-tastic facts and insights into the world of this passionate musician. From Orchestra Reject to Rock Star: Believe it or not, Mr. Chasen wasn’t always a guitar hero! His musical journey began with the violin and piano, but let’s just say it wasn’t exactly a match made in musical heaven. Thankfully, at the age of 12, listening to guitarist Joe Satriani struck him like a power chord, and he convinced his parents to trade in the violin for a guitar.

A Lifelong Love Affair with the Guitar (and Saxophone, and Drums, and…)
For almost 20 years, Mr. Chasen has been exploring the world of six strings, with a special fondness for the electric guitar. But his musical curiosity didn’t stop there! During high school, he even added the saxophone to his repertoire, proving he’s a true musical chameleon (minus the whole changing-colors thing).

Mr. Chasen’s passion for music extends beyond the stage. Education is his quest, as he currently holds an Associate’s degree in music and is rocking his way towards a Bachelor’s at Cal-State Fullerton.

Teaching with a Passion for Listening:
When it comes to teaching, Mr. Chasen takes a cue from his mother, a fellow educator. He believes in fostering a love for music by understanding what motivates his students. His motto? Patience is key, and a great listener makes a great player (shredding skills not included, but highly encouraged!).

Fun Fact! When Mr. Chasen isn’t rocking out or inspiring his students, he unleashes his creativity through drawing and artwork.
So next time you see Mr. Chasen, be sure to ask about his favorite Satriani solo or maybe even request a sneak peek at his latest artistic creation!

Practice Tips for Maximum Impact

Ever felt like you’re practicing but not progressing? It’s time to shake things up! Here’s the lowdown on how to make your practice sessions not just effective, but downright legendary.

Tip #1: Set Clear Goals
Don’t just pick up your instrument and hope for the best. Whether it’s nailing that tricky section or mastering a new piece, having a target keeps you focused.

Tip #2: Break It Down
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your musical prowess. Break your piece into manageable chunks and tackle them one at a time.

Tip #3: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Speeding through a piece might feel satisfying, but it often leads to sloppy playing. Slow it down, master it, then gradually pick up the pace.

Common Pitfalls to Dodge

Mindless Repetition: Practicing without purpose is like running on a treadmill— you’re putting in the effort, but not going anywhere. Always know why you’re practicing what you’re practicing.

Ignoring Problem Areas: We all have those sections we’d rather skip. Don’t. Focusing on and fixing mistakes is where real progress happens.

Burnout: Practicing for hours on end might sound heroic, but it’s a fast track to burnout. Keep sessions focused and take breaks to keep your mind fresh.

BONUS! Download an editable Practice Log here:


🎻 Musician Profiles: Johann Sebastian Bach

Ah, Bach. The granddaddy of the Baroque period and the backbone of Western classical music. Born in 1685, Bach’s compositions have stood the test of time. From the intricate “Brandenburg Concertos” to the emotive “Mass in B Minor,” his works are a staple in our curriculum. Why Bach? His music isn’t just beautiful; it’s a masterclass in technique and emotion.

Does Learning Music Make You Smarter?

Music transcends entertainment. It’s a workout for your brain, young or old! Picking up an instrument or simply delving deeper into music can have surprising cognitive benefits. Here’s how:

Brainpower Boost: Playing music fires up multiple brain regions at once. This leads to improved memory, focus, and even problem solving skills.

Memory Maestro: Music equals sharp memory. From recalling notes to memorizing complex pieces, music training hones your ability to retain information.

Sharpened Attention: Music requires sustained focus. Whether you’re sight reading a challenging passage or staying in sync with a band, music keeps your mind engaged. This translates into better grades.

Multitasking Marvel: Juggling melodies, rhythms, and sometimes even singing all at once? Music trains your brain to multitask effectively. This newfound ability to manage multiple streams of information can benefit you in everything from studying to navigating busy schedules.

Emotional Intelligence: Music is a powerful language of emotions. By learning and performing music, you develop a deeper understanding of emotional expression.

So, how to harness these benefits? It’s simpler than you think! Enroll in music lessons or even just dust off that old instrument in the attic. Regularly engaging with music can be a rewarding journey that unlocks hidden potential in your brain.

Music Theory Corner
Unlock the Secrets of Time Signatures

Have you ever wondered how musicians know how many beats to play per measure of music? Understanding time signatures is like cracking a code that unlocks the rhythmic language of music.

What is a Time Signature?

A time signature is a symbol at the beginning of a staff (those five horizontal lines) that tells you two things:

1. The number of beats per bar: This is the upper number. For example, a 4/4 time signature indicates four beats per bar.

2. The type of note that gets one beat: This is the lower number. In 4/4, a quarter note gets one beat.

Common Time Signatures:

  • 4/4: This is the most common time signature. It feels like a steady, walking pace.
  • 3/4: This waltz-like time signature has three beats per bar, with the first beat often accented.
  • 6/8: This lively time signature feels like two groups of three beats, often found in swing music.
  • 12/8: This time signature can feel like four groups of three or three groups of four, creating a complex but danceable groove.

Learning Time Signatures: Fun and Easy!
Here are some tips to master time signatures at Irvine Academy of Music:

  • Tap along: Clap or tap your foot to feel the pulse of the music.
  • Count out loud: Say the beats while listening to music with different time signatures.
  • Use a metronome: This electronic device helps you practice playing with a steady tempo.
  • Practice with a teacher: Our experienced instructors at Irvine Academy of Music can guide you through time signatures and other music theory concepts.

Unlocking a World of Music
Understanding time signatures opens doors to a deeper appreciation of music.

  • Play music more accurately: Time signatures guide you through the rhythmic structure of a piece.
  • Improvise with confidence: Knowing the time signature allows you to create your own rhythmic ideas within the framework of the music.
  • Identify musical styles: Different genres often favor specific time signatures.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

At Irvine Academy of Music, we offer a variety of music programs designed to help students of all ages and skill levels develop their musical talents. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help you unlock the secrets of music theory, including time signatures!

     We look forward to making music with you!

📞 949-771-5100           

Musical Crossword - test your knowledge of musical instruments